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  Creative connection Platform

We are a "Think Thank" for action around the Orange Economy with contribution to creation in all its forms. A "network community" that believes in the value and importance of the Creative Industry as a viable option to sustain and grow local economies around the world and also generate financial growth and sustainability for Artists.

Ideas  and the Universe

Created with the purpose of generating synergy between the various artistic, scientific, technological and common purposes of humanity. Universal Memory Connection is a platform for incubation, education, promotion and distribution of high cultural, artistic, social and environmental value projects in Ibero- America.

Each human being possesses a piece of the Universal Memory, letting the ideas flow to connect them with others, is to give them life and put together the pieces of our Collective Memory.

Thanks to our main ally the 48HFP, the platform reaches 155 cities, 20 of them Ibero-American.

​​Call us:

+591 7107 9381

+591 7845 3793

10 rue du Chaudron  

75010 Paris/ France

Escorial 2B Chuquisaca 700

Santa Cruz de la Sierra/ Bolivia

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