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OUR Mission

We are a creative connections platform, implanted in France with projection to South America.

A Network Community Start Up dedicated to project talent and ideas and looking for investors and opportunities in a win2win system.

At a glance, UMC is a platform for civic crowdfunding and collaboration around civic initiatives, social, cultural, cinematographic, technological and educational projects. With replicas and alliances in several countries.

But UMC is actually much more than that. Behind the platform there is a non-profit Think Thank (with consequent tax advantages for donors) and a multidisciplinary team from which we develop tools and services of co-creation and collective financing. With a common mission always linked to principles of transparency, progress and improvement of society.

From 2013 UMC takes the franchise of the 48 Hour Film Project in Santa Cruz de la Sierra, without knowing that it would be forging one of its main and more solid alliances. With 155 cities in the world, this International Film Festival is the perfect ally for large-scale projects.

Having consolidated a significant Latin American presence in this renowned Festival, UMC meets its goal in time to incubate, train future filmmakers and participants of the 48 Hour Film Project, promote and distribute content of social and environmental value that promote values.

Our tools, like UMC, mobilize economic resources and human collaborations; Contribute to the creation of events, artistic and cinematographic works that generate awareness and commitment around citizen's causes; Enable peer collaboration on a large scale; Establish connections and supports between companies, universities and citizens; Promote the opening of information and knowledge, to activate logics of transparency and cooperation rather than competition.

What do we want?

What do we offer?

What do we value?

We design and create open source tools, both technological and methodological, that promote transparency, open knowledge for incubation, training, promotion and distribution of audiovisual and cinematographic works ..
We help create more collaborative and ethical networks. We transfer values of civil society to the institutional sphere, participating and contributing in the creation of communication campaigns to support public policies that value art as a citizen expression.


A more ethical and collaborative Internet in which citizens, through cooperative processes, play an active role in improving and building a collective memory. In economic, environmental, educational, political, social and cultural terms.

A society that protects the value and broadens the recognition of the common goods, guarantors of fundamental rights.

Paris- Buenos Aires- Cordoba-Santa Cruz de la Sierra- La Paz- Cochabamba-Arequipa-Lima-Cuszco-Santiago de Chile-

Cali-Bucaramanga-Medellin-Bogota-Montevideo-Mexico DF-San Juan de Puerto Rico-Curacao- Rio De Janeiro

​​Call us:

+591 7107 9381

+591 7845 3793

10 rue du Chaudron  

75010 Paris/ France

Escorial 2B Chuquisaca 700

Santa Cruz de la Sierra/ Bolivia

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