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Financial Crowdfunding

We are looking for LOANS within a new industry:  Crowdlending.

• We propose ACTIONS: the participant receives a percentage of the company's share on the project.

• We deliver ROYALTIES: the contribution in a project or company is made pending a symbolic part of the benefits.


Crowdfunding, micromanaging or collective financing has taken a boom in the world from the development of the Internet and social networks to reach current levels: a market of more than US $ 3.1 million, in which investor communities united by Web platforms that raise funds for different projects, activities, ideas and institutions, using social networks as a mechanism for information, dissemination and promotion of initiatives. WBU joins and participates in these mechanisms of the orange economy to develop their projects.

Not Financial Crowdfunding 

We call DONATIONS: eminently philanthropic action that does not expect any kind of benefit.

We offer REWARD: contributions that are delivered in exchange for a promotional product or as a pre-order of a product to be developed.

We organize solidarity events and information campaigns to raise funds.

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​​Call us:

+591 7107 9381

+591 7845 3793

10 rue du Chaudron  

75010 Paris/ France

Escorial 2B Chuquisaca 700

Santa Cruz de la Sierra/ Bolivia

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